
Ravindu Ranaweera
About Me:
I am a PhD researcher in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics (airflow and sound generated by airflow) and work part time for a financial company. I am originally from Sri Lanka and now live in Gateshead with my wife. I love all things sci-fi stuff, travelling and photography.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
Researching aerodynamics and aeroacoustics (airflow and sound generated by it) in passenger vehicles. Enjoys tinkering with Raspberry Pis, Arduino and 3D Printing.
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Currently I am researching about platooning. This is a concept about vehicles following closely behind (tailgating) which has been proven to reduce fuel consumption, reduce carbon foot print, increase safety amongst other benefits. My area of research is aimed at understanding airflow and the sound generated by the airflow in these platoons and to improve them. I conduct computer simulations, wind tunnel experiments and analyse data. I also work with Raspberry Pis, Arduinos and 3D printers for my work (integrating sensors, parts of models, etc.) as well as my hobby projects. I also like volunteering and have helped mentor students, advise in F1 in schools, delivering short tutorials from KS2 to 3rd year university students.
My Typical Day:
I wake up late as I am a night owl, skips breakfast and run to my office (as I will be late). I check on my simulations on the high performance computer (mini supercomputer), conduct any experiments and attend meetings. And around 5PM I get a call from my wife asking when am I coming home. I return home, cook and watch a tele with my wife, then work more, peacefully undisturbed at night.
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I conduct computer simulations to study airflow around vehicles but these are very resource intensive. So they need special high powered computers to run in. I currently use part of one which has 256 high powered cores and this still takes around 5 days to simulate 0.25 seconds of a simulation. I also try to replicate these experimentally to validate my simulations and then it is a lot of number crunching (terabytes of data). I use a lot of specialised software as well as Python coding for this. I sometimes have to design my own sensors and systems for sensors as there are no off the shelf ones available. This is where a lot of my Arduinos, Pis and 3D modelling and printing work is done. Most of my time is spent on preparing simulations/experiments or analysing data. The actual simulations and experiments take the least amount of time (which was surprising when I started).
I tend to lose track of time when I get immersed in work and love working at night (I have always found it easy to concentrate at night).
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would probably buy items for hobby projects. Always wanted to buy a RC car and slowly upgrade it with tech to make it faster. Or, I will buy tickets to watch F1 at Silverstone.
I have schooled in a few countries due to my mothers job requiring to move. I completed my O’ Levels and A’ Levels in Sri Lanka (but the syllabus and exams were from the UK, Edexcel). This allowed me to apply to UK universities easily and did my Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering at Coventry followed by a Masters in Engineering Management and eventually enrolling in a PhD program in Northumbria University.
O Levels (6 As and 1B), A Levels (B, C, D), BEng (Hons) 2:1 in Aerospace Engineering, Distinction in MSc Engineering Management, Currently doing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Work History:
Project Facilities Administrator (Royal Bank of Canada Brewin Dolphin)
Demonstrator (Northumbria University)
The Scholars Programme Tutor (The Brilliant Club)
Mentor (FutreMe)
Operations (GE Aviation, Wales)
Current Job:
Researcher in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
Occasional tutor in university.
Par-Time Project Admin.
Northumbria University.
Royal Bank of Canada Brewin Dolphin (Part-Time).
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Driven, Sleepy, Hard-Worker
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
A lot
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Doctor (Medicine)
Who is your favourite singer or band?
All types of Music
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Time Travel, Teleport, Be Batman
Tell us a joke.
Aerospace Engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets (no offense to civil engineers, it is equally tough).