
Matt Sephton
About Me:
I’m an independent video game developer working on my own ideas. I don’t work for anybody else. 🤓
One of my games was listed as of of the “Best Games of 2023”, alongside Mario, Zelda, and Baldur’s Gate 3. 🏆
I’ve got ADHD and ASD. 🧠
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Being an independent video game developer means I think up ideas for video games, then I make the game, and when it’s finished I self-publish it and sell it to gamers! 💸
So I do everything myself: game design, coding, graphics, sound. I like it because nobody is telling me what to do. 🗿
Also, I’m totally obsessed with Japan and everything Japanese! 🔰
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I’m an independent video game developer. 🤓
That means I think up ideas for video games, then I make the games, and eventually sell them! 👾
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So I do everything myself: game design, coding, graphics, sound. I like it because nobody is telling me what to do. 🗿
Previously I worked for Apple as a Technology Evangelist—a quite ridiculous job title—but basically it’s a role that is 50/50 teaching and programming. 🍏
My Typical Day:
I get up late, go for a walk, get to work, have a snack and a drink for brunch or lunch. 🥤
I do my best work in the afternoon and intuitive the evening. 🦉
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As I’m a late riser, and don’t normally have breakfast, but I like to go for a walk to get myself hyped for the day ahead. 👣
All my best ideas come during, or immediately after, a good walk. My second best ideas seem to come when I’m taking a shower. 🚿
I do as much of my work away from the computer (thinking up ideas and approaches) as I do at the computer (making things work). 🧠
Most days I work late because it’s quieter at night. 🔇
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would use the prize money to support a research outreach project in Japan, where I will:
- Document my research through photos and video for creating educational content
- Create online resources about my research findings using my website
- Whitefield Primary School, Liverpool
- Liverpool College (public school; I won an assisted place, so my education was paid for by the government. Secondary School and Sixth Form)
- Liverpool University (Computer Science Degree)
- GCSEs (I forget how many, it was a long time ago!) 👴
- A-levels (4: Computing, Maths, Physics, Economics) 🅰️
- Degree (Computer Science, BSc, 2:1) 🎓
Work History:
- Independent Video Game Developer, Self-employed
2020–present - Web Developer, Self-employed
2016–2020 - Technology Evangelist, Apple
2013–2016 - Developer, Self-employed
2004–2013 - Web Developer, various companies
1998-2004 - Bedroom Developer, Self-employed
- Independent Video Game Developer, Self-employed
Current Job:
- Independent Video Game Developer, Self-employed
- Independent Video Game Developer, Self-employed
- Myself 👌
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
enthusiastic nerdy gamer
What did you want to be after you left school?
I've always wanted to be a Computer Programmer, ever since I saw a computer for a first time (1980s) it was obvious to me that it was the future. I distinctly remember in my mind's eye a red carpet rolled out into the universe! There was my future.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was often distracted, told I didn't listen, and never read the books I was supposed to over the school holidays. I was lucky enough that I did well at school without doing all that reading. I did do all my homework, even when it was a struggle.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I'd be a software developer, or an artist, anything where I can create amazing things out of nothing. I am at my best and happiest when I am creating, and when I'm not creating I get a bit anxious.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Phoenix (they're a French indie band that sing in English! They performed at the Paris Olympics closing ceremony)
What's your favourite food?
Japanese! chicken katsu curry or sushi
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. to have better mental health, 2. to have perfect hearing, 3. to ask for three more wishes!
Tell us a joke.
What does a gamer use to make bread? 🤔 Nintendough! 🍞