
Julian Onions
About Me:
Astronomer working at the University of Nottingham.
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I work as an astronomer, trying to find out more about the universe. It can be very slow work sometimes, but we have nearly 14 billion years of history to unravel. So ask me anything about astronomy, physics or science in general
I start with what we think the universe was like in the early days and then apply the laws of physics, and let it run in a very big computer, then look at what we’ve got and see if its like what we see.
We have to match up galaxies, stars, super nova, black holes and all sorts of other objects, and compare it to information we get from the big telescopes like the VLT and Hubble space telescope.
My Typical Day:
Find out why my program failed, or if my some miracle it worked – start plotting graphs of its findings.
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Usually I’m running computer programs, or finding out why they are not running.
With super computers you can’t just run a program, as it will typically use anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand processors. So you prepare your program to run, and then submit it to be scheduled. At some later time, when there are enough processors free, it will run your job in between other peoples. It will usually run for a day and then stop and save itself. At this point you can check how it’s going, and if its working out, send it back to run a bit further.
The longest simulations can run for several months.
Once it is finished, you have to analyse the results. This usually means plotting graphs of things to see if they look like you expect. There is far too much data produced to look at the numbers individually.
Then we sometimes make pretty pictures of the data, to show it happening, or movies of it.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I visit a lot of astronomy societies and clubs and scout and guides, so would use it to help with that. Particularly a small telescope, binoculars and a laser pointer for pointing out things in the night sky (if clear!).
Degrees in physics and biology, an M.Phil in computer science, doctorate in astronomy
Work History:
Nottingham university and for software companies
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
nerdy sciencey jokey
What did you want to be after you left school?
Be a pilot or a scientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Usually only for late or incomplete homework
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Too many to list, and they change
What's your favourite food?
Almost anything, but I do like a good cheesecake
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
more time in a day!
Tell us a joke.
sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium – BATMAN