
Gabrielle Baumberg
About Me:
I’m a fresh uni graduate in my first job, but I’m living in my hometown so I’m not finding it too scary! I work in bioinformatics 🧬 which involves lots of sitting on my laptop, so I make sure to fill my evenings with salsa dancing, climbing, reading science fiction, queer football club, and baking 💃🏳️🌈🚀
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I grew up in Cambridge, where I started climbing at school, and then moved away to university in Oxford for four years. I’m now very happy to be back home and revisiting my old favourite spots in town! I was a bit worried about making friends in adult life after leaving school and uni, so I’ve joined lots of clubs for dancing, kickabouts, singing, and many pub quizzes. I am a Master’s-level Apprentice at the moment, which means I study for a degree alongside my daily job (no education costs, plus a salary!). I do a lot of outreach in schools with the other Apprentices from work, and it’s great to meet students interested in my field.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I’m a Masters Apprentice in Bioinformatics – using data science and programming to analyse big data like DNA, proteins, and metabolites. I manage large genome databases that we use to investigate disease-related mutations in humans.
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My team acts at the boundary between data scientists and laboratory scientists. We can explore the statistical significance of data and the best ways to analyse it for many different other teams. We mainly work on high-throughput (large-scale) data, with separate “pipelines” for each data type: DNA, RNA, Proteins, Metabolites etc. Our DNA pipeline routinely takes in batches of 1000 genomes at a time, while our Protein pipeline is a lot more experimental and can have variable numbers of samples. I help write coding scripts that can automate the transfer of all this data, and I troubleshoot if we get an unexpected result. We have lots of data so we need lots of programming to help it all run smoothly.
Aside from my workday, I am also a part-time Masters student! I need to complete 8 modules that all have a week of intense study, and then three weeks of doing an assignment by myself. I find it very fun because the Masters focuses more on crop science and agriculture, while at work I only use human genomes! I have been studying image analysis, machine learning, multi-OMICs, R, Python, and Java so far.
My Typical Day:
I wake up at 7 and am out the door by 7.30 – I bike to work in my sports clothes and then shower and change once I’m at work! At 8.30, I then have a coffee and some fruit for breakfast while I read any new emails. I have a very short meeting every morning with my team where we go over everyone’s tasks for the day, and then I either work by myself on my computer or I have meetings for the rest of the day. I have lunch with some friends, and later I leave work at 4.30 to enjoy my evening.
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On a normal workday I will start my morning by reading a new scientific paper – I try to find ones that are relevant to my field but sometimes something else catches my eye, like behavioural science! It is important to keep up to date with advances in your field, and sometimes it directly helps your team. In our morning meeting, we assign new tasks if anyone has the time, and give an update on our work, or ask for help. My tasks tend to be data processing (working on the pipeline, a bit routine), software testing, or working on a longer analysis project with a different team. My meetings tend to be about: my team, my department, my Apprenticeship, journal clubs, interesting talks, or help on a project.
On a normal study day doing my assignment for the Masters, I will either work from home or go into the centre of town and work from the library. I will have made lots of notes from the study week, but there are probably some parts of the assignments I will need to research more, or that I am interested in anyway. I make an action plan and log my hours, and at the end of the assignment I produce a ~2000w report on my analysis, and any scripts I made so the teacher can check that they work. I sometimes talk to the other part-time students on the course, even if they work for a different company!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would love to use this prize money to create fun learning materials to get students interested in data science! A lot of the work I do sounds quite abstract, and you can’t physically see it like you would in a lab, so I really want to make some physical toy objects that represent different parts of my work. I want to use a set of these objects with students to “build a pipeline”, and take these toys around to different schools! We could even do a make-your-own session with paper and scissors for younger children.
Current Job:
Bioinformatics Scientist Apprentice (L7)
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
curious cambridge coder!
What did you want to be after you left school?
A tattoo artist, a museum curator, or a zoologist!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Sometimes for doodling or reading in class!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would work in a museum.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
KT Tunstall!
What's your favourite food?